Design Challenge

Art of Today

Museum Experience | Interaction Design | Installation Design


March 2022 - Aug 2022

Project Summary

"The Art of Today" transforms museum experiences, highlighting tech's constraints on art-audience interactions. Using a drawing machine, visitors produce unique art, showcased on an educational platform. This approach challenges traditional exhibitions and fosters an inclusive community.

My proposition is contemporary art and viewing experiences. To provide immersive and engaging experiences through innovating simple interactions and encompassing community. 

How might we design an art piece that breaks traditional ways of presenting artworks and construct a community that embraces various types of people. 

With the property of avant-garde (modernized), inclusive, educational, and thought-provoking, we treat audiences, works, and audiences as a unity and integrate them together to present art in a dynamic and accessible way.

Research Method


To begin my research, I started with an observation of the audience’s experience with different exhibition methods and drafted a sheet to analyze.

We were in the midst of some of the greatest artwork ever, and nobody was really looking at it. 

Secondary Research

I then conducted secondary research to dive into the traditional art exhibitions, analyzing them from an interaction point of view, and how ways of perceiving art have been changing along with the development of technology. I found that Information received from ways of experiencing mismatch from information released from delivery process through technology.

The technology that we have now is assisting instead of embracing

There are many regulations in the museums as well. These regulations are the foundation of how museums present artworks. In the contemporary art field, the journey of art exhibitions still lacks dynamic and accessible ways of viewing art, which restricts introducing to new, young, and geographically diverse audiences.

Audience development should be built into the entire system, from object creation to presentation.

Design Ideation

Design Matrix

Design Strategy

Proposed Ecosystem

Final Solution